Saturday, July 14, 2007

Roses, roses and more roses!!

We 'hitched a lift' on our own Dragoman truck as it headed back to Nairobi to pick up some family groups for the next few weeks. They dropped us off in Eldoret and we took a bus to Kitale. The next day we went to visit the Andersen family to whom we had been given an introduction when skiing in St Anton at Easter with friends of theirs.
They grow roses on a massive scale (200,000 of them are sent to Europe every day)!!

Bob's wife, Bea, is also a doctor, and a most amazing Dutch lady who has set up a hospital and a school for the farm workers (900 of them and their families) so Claire and I had a full tour of the various clinics and classrooms, and of the greenhouses (each of them comprises a hectare of the most beautiful rose bushes.) We stayed in their guest house, wallowing in the civilised surroundings for two nights. They had had some torrential rain for several days before our arrival and the approach road was in a terrible state with mud, potholes etc. In fact one of their lorries ended up in the ditch as it was on its way to Nairobi Airport the night before last.

We recharged our personal batteries, so to speak, and then Bea gave us a lift back to Kitale yesterday morning. Two buses later we reached Lake Nakuru, where, this morning we went on an excellent game drive and have now added flamingoes, rhinoceros, hyena, pelicans, to our already long list of animals and birds viewed. For the third time on this trip we came across lions, resting on a large log of a tree very close to the road. We have been so very lucky!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Antoinette,

what a wonderful idea to take advantage of blogs. I am glad you remembered me so I tried to update myself with by now not so new technology. I sent you an-e-mail last week, i hope you have received it. I am thankful you have come back alive after your taste on those tracks not so fit for humans. I hope you can now rest your bones. Habari?

Karibu sana in UK

sister Lawrence

10:20 AM  

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