Monday, August 21, 2006

Souvenir anyone?

I have spent my first day in Lhasa exploring the old-tibetan part of the city. It's very crowded at the moment because in two days time, there is a huge Buddist festival called the "Yoghurt Festival?!" that everyone is preparing for. We have been following the pilgrims route, 3 circuts of the Jokhang Temple, carrying their prayer beads and wheels and chanting. Some of them prostate themselves at every step, truely a remarkable sight.

We have also been pottering in and out of temples, monasteries and nunneries down side-streets. Everywhere one goes there are prayer wheels that you can spin (clockwise-always) to wish you luck on your journey. I'm really glad that this part of the city is still Tibetan in culture, because a lot of the rest of it is extremely like any other big chinese city.


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